
M.AppSc (Coaching Psychology), Sydney University; B.SocSc, Hong Kong University

Meg Hart

Meg is a coaching psychologist and cross-cultural leadership consultant. She calls her approach ‘leadership from the inside-out’: “Leaders today need to be more than just strategic thinkers. They need emotional and ethical intelligence and equanimity to respond consciously and compassionately to the unfolding challenges and opportunities inherent in our complex, uncertain world.” I She draws on years of international experience as the managing director of manufacturing and consulting companies in Asia as well as academic studies in organizational and coaching psychology. Meg’s experience as a leader is also shaped by rigorous daily meditation practice, commitment to the ethics of relational responsibility and an enduring belief in the innate potential for awake consciousness that resides in every human being. I Formerly Director of Consulting at the St James Ethics Centre, she recently spent a year working for the Royal Government of Bhutan on a multi-disciplinary report to the UN titled “Happiness: Towards a New Development Paradigm”. In her coaching and courses Meg encourages participants to discover their own living leadership paradigm based in the reality of our co-existence, interconnectedness and transformative potential to contribute to a more harmonious and humane society. Meg currently provides mindfulness-based coaching for leaders and teams at Hart&Mind Associates and is a guest lecturer at Nan Tien Institute. 


Offering a high degree of flexibility, our courses can be studied online or on campus, full or part-time. Our courses are designed for health and wellness professionals, counsellors, educators, and other leaders who are balancing a work schedule and already have an undergraduate degree. Enrol now or at a time that suits you.