
HBC Research Outputs

HBC researchers continue to produce quality research outcomes. Below is a list of recent research articles and presentations.

Apr. 2024 Chen, Q, Shi, J & Lin, FJ 2024, ‘The interface between Human and Artificial Intelligence: Chinese Approaches in Global Context’, China Forum for Intercultural Dialogue, Georgetorn University & La Civilta Cattolica, 10 April.
Mar. 2024 Shi, J 2024, ‘Humanistic Buddhism: integrating compassion and engagement in the modern world’, Australasian Association of Buddhist Studies, University of Sydney, 14 March.
Feb. 2024 Shi, J & Hongladarom, S 2024, ‘MettaVerses as Attention Ecology’, in “Buddhist Ethics and Attention” panel, Toward a systematic concept of attention for the attention economy, using Buddhist and Western ethics, Eindhoven Center for the Philosophy of AI, 7 February
2024 Tan, SY & Shi, J 2024, ‘Reflections on Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s temple-building endeavour between 1988 and 2000’, Life and Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, Studies on Humanistic Buddhism, vol. 6, Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise, Taiwan. 
2023 Co-editor of Cultivating compassion: going beyond crises, Peter Lang, link.
2023 “A Humanistic Buddhist response to Crises through MettāVerses”, in Cultivating compassion: going beyond crises, Peter Lang, forthcoming.
Sep. 2023 “A Reflection on the Humanism in The Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch”, Chan, Studies on Humanistic Buddhism, vol. 5, Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise, Taiwan.
Dec. 2022 Co-editor of “Flows and Counterflows of Buddhism ‘South of the West’: Australia, New Zealand and Hawai’I”, Special Issue, Journal of Global Buddhism, link.
Dec. 2022 “Flows of Innovation in Fo Guang Shan Oceania: transregional dynamics behind the Buddha’s Birthday Festival”, Journal of Global Buddhism, vol. 23, no. 2, link.
Dec. 2022 “’Religious Studies, Higher Education and Australian Culture” panel, What’s God got to do with it?, Inaugural Congress of the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences.
Aug. 2022 Philosophy panel, All Things Have Standing, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs.
Aug. 2022 ‘A Buddhist-Informed Institution of Higher Education in Australia’, Oxford Public Philosophy, link.
Jan. 2022 “Connecting with the human condition from the inside out and outside in: a dialogue between a social anthropologist and a Buddhist theologian”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, link.
Jan. 2022 “Humanistic Religion and Community Building in a Pursuit of a Better World”, Global Interfaith Leadership Series, Centre for Interfaith Understanding, link.
Nov. 2021 “Wholeness through Community: A Humanistic Buddhist perspective”, 8th International Symposium on Humanistic Buddhism, NTI, link to presentation, link to panel discussion.
Sep. 2021 Co-editor of Human Life. Studies on Humanistic Buddhism 4, Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise, Taiwan, link.
Jul. 2021 “Flows of Innovation in Fo Guang Shan Oceania: transregional dynamics behind the Buddha’s Birthday Festival”, Buddhism in the Sea of Islands webinar series, NTI, link.
Oct. 2020 “Humanistic Buddhism in the digital age: make truth great again”, 2019 7th Symposium on Humanistic Buddhism: Humanistic Buddhism and the Future, Fo Guang Shan Cultural Enterprises, Taiwan, pp. 314-324, link.
Sep. 2020 Co-editor of Buddhist Glocalisation, Studies on Humanistic Buddhism 3, Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise, Taiwan, link.
Jun. 2020 “Humanistic Buddhism at cross-roads: relevance of the Buddha’s intent in Australia”, in CH Chen (ed.), Deep into Dependent Origination, Gather all Dharma-treasure: The Practice of Humanistic Buddhism in East and Southeast Asia, vol. 2, Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 1333-1353.
Dec. 2019 “Promoting harmonious co-existence in interfaith dialogues through the Buddhist lens of compassion and interdependence”, Australian Journal of Mission Studies, Volume 13, Number 2, pages 32-36.
Nov. 2019 “Buddhist economics: a cultural alternative” (Chinese translation)
Humanistic Buddhism: journal, arts, and culture, vol. 24, Institute of Humanistic Buddhism, Fo Guang Shan, Taiwan, pp. 60-89, link.
Nov. 2019 “Humanistic Buddhism in the digital age”
Presidents’ Forum, Fo Guang Shan, Taiwan.
Nov. 2019 “Humanistic Buddhism in higher education curriculum”
The 7th Symposium on Humanistic Buddhism, Fo Guang Shan, Taiwan, pp. 67-76.
Oct. 2019 “Buddhist merit in the West: a case study from Australia’s Nan Tien Temple”
Journal in Chinese Religions, DOI: 10.1080/23729988.2019.1639464, link.
Sep. 2019 Co-editor of Practical Applications, Studies on Humanistic Buddhism 2, Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise, Taiwan, link.
Jul. 2019 “A Reflection on Buddhist Humanism in the Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch”
International Conference on Humanistic Buddhism and Buddhist Literature, Nan Tien Institute, pp. 86-97.
Jan. 2019 “Collaboration on the Cloud with the Crowd”
Translation Forum, Fo Guang Shan, Kaohsiung.
Nov. 2018 “Buddhist thought and modern culture”
Presidents’ Forum, Fo Guang Shan, Kaohsiung.
Oct. 2018 “Buddhist Contemplative Pedagogy with Technology”
Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative, Pacific Network Consortium and Digital Heritage International Congress, San Francisco.
Sep. 2018 Co-editor of Foundational Thoughts, Studies on Humanistic Buddhism 1, Fo Guang Cultural Enterprise, Taiwan, link.
May. 2018 The Influence of Indian and Buddhist Elements in Medieval China: A Study of Buddha’s Birthday Celebrations in Luoyang during the Northern Wei dynasty”
Humanistic Buddhism Journal: journal, arts, and culture, vol. 15, Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 186-197.
May. 2018 “The Importance of the Buddha in China during the Sixteen Kingdoms: an assimilation of Chinese sage king and Buddhist cakravartin
Walking with the Buddha: discovering the natal landscape of the Buddha international academic workshop, Buddha Museum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 94-105, link.
Mar. 2018 “Buddhist Economics: a cultural alternative”
The Kyoto Manifesto for Global Economics – a platform for community, humanity and the spiritual, Springer Publication, pp. 417-436, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-6478-4_23, link.
Dec. 2017 “Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Contribution to Vesak”
Conference Proceedings for Humanistic Buddhism Life Writings and Concern for the Country, Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 163-168, link.
Jun. 2017 “The Unbounded Project: technology-enabled Dharma dissemination,”
Seminar on Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism on the Belt and Road, Po Lin Monastery, Hong Kong.
Jun. 2017 “Buddhist Merit in the West: a case study from Australia’s Nan Tien Temple”
Buddhism and Business, Market and Merit: Intersections between Buddhism and Economics Past and Present, The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhism and Contemporary Society, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
Mar. 2017 “Living Faxian’s Legacy in Modern Times: connecting past and present, east and west”
From Xianghuan to Ceylon: the life and legacy of the Chinese Buddhist monk Faxian, Wutai International Institute of Buddhism and East Asian Cultures, Xiangyuan, China.
Dec. 2016 “Humanistic Buddhism at Cross-roads: relevance of Buddha’s original intent in Australia”
Implementation of Humanistic Buddhism in East Asia and South-east Asia, Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Nov. 2016 “Engaging Project Work”
A Thousand Hands: a guidebook to caring for your Buddhist community. Ed. Nathan Michon and Danny Fisher. Sumeru Press. Pp. 299-304.
Jun. 2016 “Four Noble Truths of Economics”
Kyoto 3 Symposium, Center for the Study of Creative Economy, Doshisha University, Kyoto.
Apr. 2016 “Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Contribution to Vesak: A Cross-Straits Comparison”
Humanistic Buddhism Life Writings and Concern for the Country Roundtable Forum, Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Mar. 2016 “Chan Buddhism during the Times of Yixuan and Hsing Yun: applying Chinese Chan principles to contemporary society”,
Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies Vol. 64, No. 3: 1303 – 1309, 2016, link.
Nov. 2015 “Cultivation in Humanistic Buddhism: applying Chinese Chan principles to contemporary society”
Nan Tien Institute: Applied Buddhist Studies seminar series.
Sep. 2015 “Chan Buddhism during the time of Yixuan and Hsingyun”
Koyasan University: Annual Conference of The Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies (JAIBS).
Jul. 2015 “Cultivation in Humanistic Buddhism: applying Chinese Chan principles to contemporary society”
Monash University: Australasian Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy Conference (ASACP)
Mar. 2015 “National Recognition of a Religious Festival: comparing Buddha’s birthday celebration organized in Taipei to the Northern Wei Buddha’s birthday parade,”
Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies Vol. 63, No. 3: 1148 – 1154, link.
Dec. 2014 “Religion without Dogma: A project-based humanistic approach to promoting education in Buddhism.”
Religion, Diversity and Governance. Deakin University: Annual Conference of the Australian Association for the Study of Religion (AASR).
Oct. 2014 “Parading the Buddha: localizing Buddha’s birthday celebrations in China.”
Australasian Association of Buddhist Studies seminar. University of Sydney.
Aug. 2014 “Fo Guang Shan’s Contribution to Buddha’s Birthday Celebrations in Taiwan”
Masushino University: Annual Conference of The Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies (JAIBS).
May. 2014 “An Engaged and Engaging Postgraduate Education: Turning Vision into Reality in Nan Tien Institute.”
The Importance of Promoting Buddhist Education. Most Ven. Dr .Thich Nhat Tu and Most Ven. Dr. Thich Duc Thien ed.
Vietnam Buddhist University Series 25: 179-192.
Vietnam: Religion Press.
As part of 2014 UN Day of Vesak at Hanoi, Vietnam, Link.
Oct. 2013 “Parading the Buddha: A Celebration of Buddhist Art and Acculturation,” Conference on Humanistic Buddhism and Cultural Pluralism, FGS Mabuhay Temple, Philippines.
Mar 2013 Parading the Buddha: Localizing of Buddha’s birthday celebrations in China. California: Buddha’s Light International Association.
Sep. 2012 “A Review of Chinese Esoteric Buddhism: Amoghavajra and the Ruling Elite by Geoffrey Goble.”
Dissertation Reviews, Stanford University.
Posted on January 28, 2013 in http://dissertationreviews.org/archives/1977.
Mar. 2011 “The Influence of Indian and Buddhist Elements in Medieval China: A Study of Buddha’s Birthday Celebrations in Luoyang during the Northern Wei dynasty.”
Current Religious Thinking. Whittier College, CA: American Academy of Religion/Western Region.
(First Prize, Student Award Competition)
Apr. 2009 “Evolution of Indigenous Monastic Communities during the Six Dynasties among the Han Chinese: An Economic Perspective.”
Intersecting Histories: Transforming Identities, Places, and Beliefs.
Claremont Graduate University, CA: Graduate Student Conference.
Apr. 2007 “Naming the Ultimate.”
The Challenge of Respect: Celebrating Interfaith Commonality, Exploring Religious Differences.
Organized by the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions, Southern California chapter.
Mar. 2006 “Report on the Seventh International Conference on Humanistic Buddhism: Humanistic Buddhism and Sustainable Economic Development.”
Universal Gate Buddhist Journal, 32: 9-19.
Taiwan: Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture and Education.
Spring 2004 “The Humanistic Advice of the Buddha to Political Leaders.”
Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism, 5: 481-489.
California: International Academy of Buddhism, Hsi Lai University.
Spring 2003 “Teaching Method of an Enlightened Buddha and Educational System of Humanistic Buddhism.”
Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism, 4: 306-318.
California: International Academy of Buddhism, Hsi Lai University.
Jan. 2022 “Perspectives on Taking the Three Refuges and Five Precepts.”
Universal Gate Buddhist Journal, Special Issue.
Taiwan: Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture and Education.
Sep. 2001 “Report on the Seminar on the Development of Buddhist Youths in Singapore”
Universal Gate Buddhist Journal, 5: 92-100.
Taiwan: Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture and Education.



Nan Tien Institute (NTI) is a private, not for profit, government accredited higher education provider offering studies in the areas of Buddhist studies, health and wellbeing, within an environment that incorporates contemplative education.

NTI offers postgraduate programs in Applied Buddhist Studies, Health and Social Wellbeing, Humanistic Buddhism, and Mental Health as well as customised Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs and special interest subjects across the areas of meditation, mindfulness and health.

Offering a high degree of flexibility, our courses can be studied online or on campus, full or part-time. Our courses are designed for health and wellness professionals, counsellors, educators, and other leaders who are balancing a work schedule and already have an undergraduate degree. Enrol now or at a time that suits you.