Humanistic Buddhism special interest group

We are a group of researchers and students from different parts of the world who share an academic interest in Humanistic Buddhism.

We meet three times a year to share our ongoing research work, methodologies and tools, and other relevant topics. Meetings are online and informal, with short presentations followed by discussions. We hope that the HB SIG becomes a supportive network and a safe platform for people to connect, discuss their research, and collaborate on papers and projects related to Humanistic Buddhism.

Please register here to join us. 


To join upcoming Zoom meetings please register via the form under Join Us.

To view video recordings of past meetings please contact buddhism_network@nantien.edu.au

Upcoming meetings

Past meetings

Upcoming meetings in 2025:

  • Tuesday 18 March, 2pm AEDT (UTC +11)
  • Tuesday 15 July, 2pm AEST (UTC +10)
  • Tuesday 14 October, 2pm AEDT (UTC +11)

15 October 2024 | Presentations

Launch of the Studies on Humanistic Buddhism Vol. 6
Michael Murphy (Humanistic Buddhism Centre, NTI)

Author’s sharing – Reflections on Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s temple-building endeavour between 1988 and 2000
Sioh Yang Tan (Humanistic Buddhism Centre, NTI)

Hsing Yun’s Humanistic Buddhism on Ethics of Care in the VUCA World
Maje Purino (University of San Carlo, the Phillipines)

Reaching for “MU” – toward an understanding of SATORI in Zen-Buddhism
David Starlyte (Nan Tien Institute)

16 July 2024 | Presentations

My Views on designing a Humanistic Buddhism course in Western Research Instititions
Dr Shou-Jen Kuo (Institute for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, University of the West, USA)

Master Fafang’s Interpretation of Yogācāra Learning
Dr Yu Sang (China Studies Centre, Sydney University)

Inner Guidance: of Malaysian and Singaporean Chinese Buddhist Pilgrims
Dr Sandra Ng (Malaysia)


12 March 2024 | Presentations

Buddhist Rock Instructions of Uddiyana (Swat valley), Pakistan and its present state of research
Dr Badshah Sardar (Department of Pakistan Studies, AIOU, Islamabad, Pakistan)

Inner Guidance: of Malaysian and Singaporean Chinese Buddhist Pilgrims
Dr Sandra Ng (Malaysia)

17 October 2023 | Presentations

The State of Research on the Gilgit Manuscripts containing Sutras from the Buddhist Canon
Dr Ijlal Hussain Shah (Director of Silk Road Centre, Pakistan)

A Habitus Transformation Model: A sociological context for the Buddhist teachings of mindfulness practice and dependent origination
Dr Ching Lam (Independent Researcher, New Zealand)

In Betwixt Genderless and Gendered: The Life and Contributions of Fo Guang Shan Female Monastic at Dong Zen Temple
Dr Suat Yan Lai (Humanistic Buddhist Research Centre, University Malaya, Malaysia)


17 July 2023 | Presentations

The Pragmatics of Silence: The case of Humanistic Buddhism in the Philippines
Dr Jeanne Flores-Purpura (De La Salle University)

The HB Bibliography, the NTI Visualiser, and the proof-of-concept GroundTruth (chat-enabled Q&A)
William Chong (Independent researcher)


11 April 2023 | Presentations

Temple Building and Air Travel in the Globalisation of Humanistic Buddhism at Fo Guang Shan (1980s-2000s)
Dr Sioh Yang Tan (Nan Tien Institute, Australia)

Humanistic Buddhism Journal Translation Project
Dr Michael Murphy (Nan Tien Institute, Australia)

Humanistic Buddhism in Action: TAG Schools in the Philippines
Dr Cecile Manikan (Guang Ming College, The Philippines)


Find Out More

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Buddhism in the Sea of Islands webinars
Examine Buddhism in Pacific contexts, with a particular focus on transnational flow and counterflow of Buddhism

Flows and Counterflows of Buddhism ‘South of the West’: Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii
Special issue in the Journal of Global Buddhism

An online portal that allows Buddhist practitioners to develop and share Humanistic Buddhism resources in a collaborative environment

Humanistic Buddhism Reader and NTI Reader
Offer Chinese-English Buddhist dictionary lookup

NTI Visualiser 2.1
A database to search and visualise Humanistic Buddhism research 

Studies on Humanistic Buddhism
A Buddhist journal


Offering a high degree of flexibility, our courses can be studied online or on campus, full or part-time. Our courses are designed for health and wellness professionals, counsellors, educators, and other leaders who are balancing a work schedule and already have an undergraduate degree. Enrol now or at a time that suits you.