In this episode: The development of generative AI has opened a lot of questions about who we are as humans. What makes a human, human? What do we value? What does a flourishing future for us all even look like in this new technological age? Dr Stephen Garner is...
The Buddha as a Human and a Humanist
The Buddha as a Human and a Humanist What was the Buddha like as a human being? How did he relate to others? With great care and an eye for detail, Venerable Dhammika pieces together the life events of the Buddha, his travels, his teaching style, how he related to...
We Only Have One Earth
We Only Have One Earth If we don't want users to leave our website to watch the video on FB Live (as it is), perhaps we could download the video and reupload it on OUR webpage. Or we could just embed the FB video on our webpage.
Thank Buddha It’s Friday: Sharing on Self-Compassion – FGS San Diego
TBIF Self Compassion Venerable Dr. Jue Wei shared with us the topic on Self Compassion.
Interfaith Panel on Bridging the Gap – University of the West
Bridging the Gap As our world becomes increasingly globalized and interconnected, we also find ourselves increasingly isolated. Even before the pandemic, our societies were moving toward pockets of echo chambers and walled borders. Most distressing was that civil...
Reflections from the Platform Sūtra of the Sixth Patriarch – Buddhist Library
Reflections from the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch
Racism and Faith – Bluestar Intercultural Centre
Conversations on Racism: Racism and Religion Do Faith traditions oppose discrimination and racism or reinforce it? Religious scriptures universally stand for equality but this play out in real life? What more can people of faith do to stand against...
Reflections 2020: Creativity, Compassion, Capacity Nan Tien Talks
Reflections 2020: Creativity, Compassion, Capacity Nan Tien Talks REFLECTIONS 2020: CREATIVITY, COMPASSION AND CAPACITY Venerable Dr. Juewei The CoronaVirus outbreak has set in motion one of the greatest disruptions to many people’s lives. This New Normal has...
Women and Buddhism University of Malaya Faith and Legacy Forum
"Women and Buddhism University of Malaya Faith and Legacy Forum" 【UM Faith & Legacy Forum - Women and Buddhism】In today’s society, has gender inequality become a remnant of the past?Will pandemic reshape the "new normal" in women's role?Let's hear from experts,...
Illness with Dr Jonathon Page CoP Care and Share
"Illness with Dr Jonathon Page CoP Care and Share" Jonathan Page speaks on a Buddhist approach to medical care in relation to modern medicine.