Nutrition Through the Lifespan
Subject code | HSW902 |
Lecturer | TBA |
Delivery mode | Online, live On campus, live |
Duration | 10 weeks |
Next start date | Visit timetable |
Subject Overview
This subject takes a lifespan perspective to nutrition, diet and exercise, addressing nutritional requirements fundamental to human growth through the lifespan, drawing on different health and science disciplines to provide a basis for understanding nutrition. You will discuss the many factors that impact on healthy food choices and how foods can be utilised to enhance wellbeing.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an understanding of the issues and complexity of nutrition through the lifespan and the ability to make informed decisions about current and emerging issues in nutrition including its role in health maintenance and promotion.
- Locate and review evidence-based information on the nutritional and therapeutic benefits of foods and make specific recommendations for their inclusion in the diet.
- Compare and contrast treatments based on ‘food as medicine’ and conventional treatment approaches for common diseases.
- Critically assess information on food quality, food regulation, food production and consumption.
- Assessment 1: Short presentation on nutritional aspects of particular foods (20%, due week 3)
- Assessment 2: Assignment on an aspect of nutrition in human development (30%, due week 6)
- Assessment 3: Research project on nutrition and social wellness (50%, due week 10)