
Nutrition and Mental Health

Subject code MH902
Lecturer Lara Ryan
Delivery mode Online, self-directed
Duration Ten weeks
Next start date Visit timetable

Subject Overview

In this subject, students will explore the critical role of nutrition in the prevention, management, and treatment of mental health conditions, including eating disorders. Through evidence-based research and practical applications, students will examine how nutrients interact with brain physiology, the nervous system, and mental health outcomes. They will critically evaluate the factors influencing good choices for individuals experiencing mental health conditions, including cultural, social, and environmental determinants. The subject will also emphasise how nutrition can be harnessed to mitigate the adverse effects of treatments and support holistic recovery.


Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse the relationship between mental health, neurological conditions and nutrition.
  2. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of brain physiology and the nervous system in relation to mental health conditions and nutrition.
  3. Evaluate the role of nutrition in managing and preventing mental health conditions, addressing cultural, social, and individual barriers. 
  4. Critically evaluate research to develop culturally sensitive, educational resources to guide care of nutrition needs for specific mental health conditions.
  5. Integrate empathy, compassion and interdisciplinary collaboration in delivering nutrition education and care for individuals with mental health conditions and eating disorders.



  • Assessment 1: Quizzes (10%, due weeks 3 and 6)
  • Assessment 2: Presentation (40%, due week 7)
  • Assessment 3: Fact sheet and critical reflection (50%, due week 10)



Offering a high degree of flexibility, our courses can be studied online or on campus, full or part-time. Our courses are designed for health and wellness professionals, counsellors, educators, and other leaders who are balancing a work schedule and already have an undergraduate degree. Enrol now or at a time that suits you.