
Academic Writing

Students will complete a variety of assessments while studying at NTI. Each type of assessment has its own unique structure and should employ the use of academic English, which also has its own requirements. The guides below will help you familiarise yourself with  some of the more common assessments, as well as the writing requirements expected for university study. 

Types of Assessments

Below is a list of the most common assessments you will likely complete in any of your subjects. Explore these guides to learn more about the purpose, structure and the process for how to complete each assessment. 



Essay Structure
Paragraph Structure

Literature Review


Report Writing


Reflective Assessments

Academic English

Academic English tends to be very different from spoken English. The guides and tools below will help you express yourself appropriately in an academic context.


Tips for Academic Writing

The Australian Government Style Manual outlines the recommended grammar and punctuation conventions used at NTI. This style manual also complements the NTI Harvard Referencing Style, which should remain students’ key resource for referencing.

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