
Research and Study Skills

Research and study skills are important no matter your area of study or level of experience as a student. The guides below aim to improve your academic skills, grow your confidence and independence as a student for a better learning experience, and support your learning in all subjects.

The Research Process

A clear understanding of the research process will improve your assessments before you have even begun. This guide takes you through each stage of the research process as a clear launching point for completing an assessment.


Finding Scholarly Sources

Unlike NTI’s online databases and the library catalogue, information available on the internet is not scrutinised for the purpose of academic research. This guide explores how to identify reliable sources from the unreliable when searching online.



Referencing is an essential part of academic writing. This guide will cover the importance of academic integrity, introduce the NTI Harvard Referencing Style and some tools you may find useful throughout your study.

Copyright for Students

All content is protected by some form of copyright, even if it appears freely available online. This guide covers the expectations and exceptions related to copyright and your responsibilities as a student.

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