
Academic Skills Induction

Are you just starting your journey at NTI? Are you ready to dive into academic studies but unsure where to begin? You have come to the right place! 

NTI’s Contemplative Approach to Learning & Teaching

First, it is recommended that you familiarise yourself with NTI’s Contemplative Taxonomy (NTI login required). This taxonomy encourages you to:

  1. set an intention for learning;
  2. set a focus for learning;
  3. notice what is happening in the process of learning;
  4. interpret how learning interacts with the personal and professionals self;
  5. apply and embody learning;
  6. reflect upon learning; 
  7. collaborate with others to challenge and build understanding; and
  8. contemplate understanding.

Implementing the steps described in this taxonomy will enable you to develop a contemplative learning practice. This is how you will deepen your engagement with study and foster personal growth. In other words, this is how you will make the most of your time at NTI.

As an NTI student, you also have access to Contemplative Resources (NTI login required). You are encouraged to use these resources to strengthen your contemplative learning practice.

Introducing the Academic Support Team

Throughout your time at NTI, the Academic Team is here to help you navigate NTI’s academic requirements and expectations. The team offers a range of services to support your learning, help you develop robust academic skills and enhance your experience.

Visit the Academic Support page or watch the video to meet the team and learn how our Academic Support Officers can help you.

Enhancing your Academic Skills

Below, you will find a range of short videos to help you refresh, develop and/or strengthen basic academic skills such as active reading, referencing or academic writing.

These video resources complement the guides available on the Library website and the workshops that are regularly conducted by the Academic Support Team.

Should you require further guidance, please contact the Academic Support Team via email (academicsupport@nantien.edu.au).

Active Reading

Academic Writing


Offering a high degree of flexibility, our courses can be studied online or on campus, full or part-time. Our courses are designed for health and wellness professionals, counsellors, educators, and other leaders who are balancing a work schedule and already have an undergraduate degree. Enrol now or at a time that suits you.